October 29, 2013 – Paula

To mix things up and show a bit of cultural diversity with the One Less Lonely Girls, this story is written in both English and Paula’s native language, Spanish. Thanks to Paloma (@EatPrayBieber) for the English translation. Enjoy!

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MY BIEBER EXPERIENCE: Inicia desde el 18 de diciembre del 2010 , cuando decidi no tener fiesta de quince años y decidi pedir tickets para ver a mi idolo, dias anteriores al 18 mis papas comenzaron a buscar por paginas de boleterias boletas para MY WORLD TOUR en miami, cuando las consiguieron estaba muy contenta me habian comprado boletas ( de hecho no muy cerca pero lo iba a ver por primera vez y no me interesaba ) y me habian comprado tambien pases para el soundcheck , cuando llegamos a miami el 17 de diciembre del 2010 un dia antes de concierto . Salimos a buscar las boletas ! Desafortunadamente los pases para soundcheck nunca llegaron me los robaron , ese dia estaba destrozada y llore demasiado porque me parecia demasiado injusto, pero al menos recibi mis boletas. Disfrute ese concierto como nunca recuerdo que ese dia OLLG estuvo a 9 filas de mi y estaba en mi misma seccion me sentia frustrada pero entendi que todo pasa por algo.

En el 2013 me pasaron cosas asombrosas , en enero justin le dio RT dos veces a a mis tweets,fue algo emocionante de saber que me noto y no lo podia creer.
En julio de este año, salieron las boletas a la venta para el believe tour, ese dia sali corriendo al pc, al comprar las boletas la pagina se trabó yo estaba muy angustiada pensaria que me iba a quedar sin boleta, cuando finalmente pude comprar las entradas,la pagina me lanzo mi asiento en una esquina PLATINOA9 fila 2 silla 2 , cuando mire el mapa de mi ubicacion estaba un poco triste porque lo venia muy en la esquina y pensaria que tal no vaya a ver nada, pero despues me calme y pense las ollgs siempre mas sacan de mas esquinas ….

Despues de varios meses de espera yo comence a preguntar por twitter si estar en las esquinas tenia sus beneficios , varias cuentas dedicadas a las OLLG’s me decian que si , que casi siempre las sacaban de las esquinas, tenia fe de que podria ser 1 mes antes del 29 de octubre comence a participar en varios concursos para M&G con mi prima , participamos exactamente en 4 , todos los
Perdimos, me sentia demasiado frustrada un dia antes del concierto queria llorar, porque la vida me dijo 4 veces NO, a esas oportunidades. Llego el 29 de octubre no tenia m&g sabia que no lo podia conocer ya, ya estaba rendida… Llegue a las 5:30 mas o menos al estadio, tome mi asiento conoci a varias beliebers ese dia , fueron muy lindas y amablea lastimosamente no anote sus twitters.

Cuando salio justin, me puse demasiado euforia no podia creerlo despues de 3 años volvi a ver a aquella persona que cambio parte de mi vida cuando yo estaba grabando a justin mas tranquila habia dejado de parar de gritar y saltar porque me dio vaso , derepente volteo a mirar y estaba JENNN por dentro dije JENNN OMFGG , me acerque hacia ella le pedi una foto, ella es muy linda y me dijo sureee, y me dijo que amo el forro de mi celular, entonces yo le dije que gracias por la foto, volvi a donde me encontraba y ella desaparecio de un momento a otro… Pasaron 15 minutos estaba sonando BAAB gire mi cabeza de nuevo donde habia estado jenn…. ALLI ESTABA ELLA !! Ella me estaba haciendo señas con las manos de que me acercara, me acerco y me dijo al oido : DO YOU WANNA BE THE OLLG? Y yo quede en shock comence a temblar y dije YES YES Yes , me llevo del brazo, a una parte del campin, me puso una blusa de justin, dijo que le gusto mucho la blusa que yo tenia( tenia una blusa de lentejuelas morada) cuando me puse la blusa de justin me dijo deja que se te vea la blusa de lentejuelas me encanta, despues me aplico brillo , y me llevo hacia backstage tra em recorrido, me pusieron mucho problema los de logistica de OCESA por que yo soy menor de edad( tengo 17) entonces jenn estaba ya un poco estresada y molesta, les mostraba el carne de que era parte del team y le decia esta bien ella esta conmigo! Listo ya estaba subiendo las escaleras mientras esperaba en backstage estaba SCRAPPY!!! Apenas le vi le dije OMG SCRAPPY! El es muy lindo me saludooo! Y despues DAN se voltio y me empezo a saludar y yo le mandaba besos con las manos!

Cuando comenzó a sonar OLLG estaba temblando demasiado, jenn me dijo estas nerviosa ? Y yo si demasiado y me diko tranquilizate, relajate y mira SOLAMENTE A JUSTIN A LOS OJOS y yo okok!!!cuando sali! DIOS MIO ERA INCREIBLE no lo podia creer ver desde la tarima a todas las beliebers, y que justin me fuese a cantar, me sentee y cuando justin se estaba acercando, comence a hiperventilar no lo podia controlar, pensaba DIOS MIO SE ESTA ACERCANDO !!!! Cuando se acerco DIOOOOSSSS sus OJOOS SON HERMOSOS sus cejas sus pestañas , su boca todoooooo pero mas sus OJOS!!! Yo tenia una felicidad enorme cuando me estaba la cara tambien estaba muy nerviosa y en shock claro! Era algo poco creible! Porque ya habia perdido las esperanzas. Cuando acabo la cancion y los abrazamos fue lo mas lindo!! Un abrazo que espere por 4 años!! Me dijo what is ur name sweetie? Y yo: paula y el: lola? Y yo paula! Y el paula!! Fue hermosooo y sono muy lindo cuando pronuncio paula :’) salimos corriendo a backstage no paso nadaa,los bailarines me lo alejaron y entro a un “cuarto chiquito” y le estaban limpiando el sudor y le dieron agua, jenn me cogio del brazo y me llevaba hacia mi seccion y me decia are u ok? Y yo no ! Estaba en shock no decia nadaaaaa!!! Y yo me dije thank u so much jenn! Ella me respondio algo pero no recuerdo! Cuando regrese a mi seccion! Muchas beliebers me empezaron a felicitar me tome fotos con algunas y les preste mi corona a algunas :’) aun estaba que no lo podia creer!!!


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MY BIEBER EXPERIENCE: It started on December 18, 2010 when I decided not to have a Quinceañera and I decided to ask for tickets to see my idol. Days before the 18th, my parents started looking for websites that would sell tickets for the My World Tour in Miami. They finally found one and bought me the tickets, I was so happy ( they weren’t that close but I was still seeing him for the first time so it didn’t matter). Also, they bought me passes for soundcheck. We got to Miami on December 17, a day before the concert. As soon as we got there, we went to look for the tickets but the passes for soundcheck were not there, someone stole them and I was heartbroken. I was just crying so much because it was so unfair but I at least got my tickets. I enjoyed that concert so much. I remember when the OLLG was picked, she was in the same section as me, 9 rows away from me and I was so frustrated but I understood that everything happens for a reason.
In 2013, so many amazing things happened to me. In January, Justin retweeted me twice. It was so exciting to know that he noticed me and I just couldn’t believe it. In July of this year, the tickets for the Believe Tour went on sale and I ran to my computer to buy the tickets but the computer froze and I was really mad thinking that I would be ticketless. Finally when I got the chance to buy the tickets, the page gave me the seats on a corner which was Platino 9 Row 2 Seat 2 and then I looked at the map to see exactly where would I be seated. I got a bit sad because I thought I wasn’t going to be able to see him but I calmed myself down and started thinking that the OLLGs are always picked from the corners.
After many months of waiting, I started asking on twitter if being in the corner had its benefits. Various accounts dedicated to the OLLGs would tell me yes, that the majority of the time they would pick them from the corners and I had faith that maybe I might be the one. A month before October 29, I started participating in various competitions for M&G with my cousin. We participated in exactly 4 contests and we lost all of them. I started feeling so frustrated. The day before the concert, I wanted to cry because life told me NO 4 times for those opportunities. October 29 finally came, I didn’t have a M&G so I knew I wasn’t going to be able to meet him, at that point I gave up. I got to the stadium at about 5:30, I went to my seat and met so many beliebers that day. They were so pretty and friendly, unfortunately i didn’t write their twitter names down.
When Justin came out, I was beaming with excitement. I just couldn’t believe that after 3 years, I got the chance to yet again see the person who changed part of my life. When I was recording Justin, I calmed myself down and stopped screaming and jumping. Suddenly I look back and I see Jenn, inside I was screaming “JENN OMFG”. I got close to her and asked her for a picture. She is so pretty and she told me “sure.” She also told me she loved my phone cover, then I told her thank you for the picture and went back to where I was seating and she disappeared in minutes. 15 minutes passed and BAAB was playing, I turned my head to where Jenn was last time and there she was! She started to give me signals to get close to her, so I got close to her and she whispered in my ear, “Do you want to be the One Less Lonely Girl?” I was in total shock, I started shaking and I just kept saying, “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” She took me by my hand, to a part of the stadium. She then gave me a shirt of Justin to put on. She then started telling me she liked the shirt I had on (I had a shirt on with purple rhinestones). When I put on the shirt she gave me, she told me,”wait, let your shirt show a little I love it” then she put some glitter on me and took me backstage. There were a lot of problems with the logistics of OCESA because I am minor ( I’m 17), then Jenn was getting all frustrated and angry but she showed them her lanyard that she was a part of the team and told them I was with her. After everything, I started going up the stairs. When I got there, I saw Scrappy and I said “OMG SCRAPPY.” He waved at me and he was so nice, then I saw Dan and he started waving at me and I sent him kisses with my hands.
When OLLG started playing I started to shake so much. Jenn then asked me if I was nervous and I told her that I was really nervous, so she told me to relax and told me to only look at Justin eyes and I told her okay. When I went out there, it was incredible. I couldn’t believe it, seeing all those beliebers from the stage and knowing that Justin was going to sing to me. I sat down and Justin started getting close to me. I started to hyperventilate; I couldn’t control myself, all I could think was that he was getting closer by the minute. Finally when he was next to me, his eyes, his eyebrows, his eyelashes, his mouth, just everything was perfect but especially his eyes, they were so beautiful. My happiness grew even bigger as he started grabbing my face, I was so nervous and in total shock at what was happening. It was honestly incredible because before all of this, I lost all hope. When the song was over, we hugged and it was so amazing, I’ve been waiting for that hug for 4 years. He asked me, “what’s your name sweetie?”I told him “Paula”, he then said “Lola?” and I told him” No,Paula” and that’s when he finally understood and said “Paula!” When he pronounced my name it sounded so cute, after this we ran backstage. Nothing else happened after this, the dancers moved him away from me and he got into a small room where they would clean off his sweat and give him water. Jenn then took me by the hand and started escorting me back to my section. As this was happening, she asked me if I was okay and I still couldn’t believe anything that just happened to me, it was really hard for me to say anything since I was still in shock. Before she left, I told her “Thank you so much Jenn.” She then told me something but I honestly don’t remember it. I was then back at my section and there were so many beliebers congratulating me. I took pictures with so many of them and even let some of them borrow my crown, I just can’t believe this all happened.
So don’t ever lose hope and always remember that if things don’t work out the way you planned it, don’t get sad. Everything happens for a reason, everything has its purpose but if it didn’t happen that moment, it will another time. Never Say Never!
Watch this interview Paula did on her experience!

OLLG Paula 1
Congratulations Paula, Bogota’s One Less Lonely Girl!

Video of Paula on stage!

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